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The Closer: L.A. Enquêtes prioritaires
#101 : L'amour vache

Brenda Johnson arrive à L.A. où elle fait face au ressentiment de ses pairs et de son équipe pendant sa première enquête - une femme battue à mort, dont le meurtrier présumé a disparu avec toutes les preuves de son existence.

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L'amour vache

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Les policiers arrivent sur les lieux du crime

Les policiers arrivent sur les lieux du crime

Les bureaux des crimes majeurs

Les bureaux des crimes majeurs

Le tableau des enquêtes

Le tableau des enquêtes

Le badge de la police de Los Angeles

Le badge de la police de Los Angeles

Les policiers sont présents sur la scène de crime

Les policiers sont présents sur la scène de crime

Brenda est présente sur les lieux avec une partie de son équipe

Brenda est présente sur les lieux avec une partie de son équipe

Le lieutenant Andy Flynn (Tony Denison)

Le lieutenant Andy Flynn (Tony Denison)

Brenda Leigh est sur la scène de crime

Brenda Leigh est sur la scène de crime

Brenda est inquiète

Brenda est inquiète

Le détective Johnson essaie de prendre des renseignements

Le détective Johnson essaie de prendre des renseignements

Tao (Michael Paul Chan) lance une analyse

Tao (Michael Paul Chan) lance une analyse

La scène de crime

La scène de crime

Brenda et le détective Garth (le guest John Livingston)

Brenda et le détective Garth (le guest John Livingston)

David Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) écoute attentivement

David Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) écoute attentivement

Le lieutenant Davd Grabiel

Le lieutenant Davd Grabiel

Brenda Leigh Jonhson est jouée par Kyra Sedgwick

Brenda Leigh Jonhson est jouée par Kyra Sedgwick

Brenda réfléchit

Brenda réfléchit

Brenda travaille mieux avec une friandise

Brenda travaille mieux avec une friandise

Brenda et son donuts

Brenda et son donuts

Brenda Leigh Johnson

Brenda Leigh Johnson

Brenda est attentive à ce qui se passe

Brenda est attentive à ce qui se passe

Brenda Leigh

Brenda Leigh

Brenda discute avec un autre policier

Brenda discute avec un autre policier

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Michael M. Robin
Scénariste : James Duff

Durée de l'épisode : 53 minutes


  • Kyra Sedgwick ... Brenda Leigh Johnson
  • J.K. Simmons ... Will Pope
  • Corey Reynolds ... David Gabriel
  • Robert Gossett ... Russell Taylor
  • G.W. Bailey ... Louie Provenza
  • Jon Tenney ... Fritz Howard
  • Allison Smith ... Ellen
  • Raymond Cruz ... Julio Sanchez
  • Gina Ravera ... Irene Daniels
  • Michael Paul Chan ... Mike Tao
  • Clyde Kusatsu ... Dr. Tanaka
  • John Livingston ... Detective Garth
  • Julius Tennon ... Detective Waters
  • John Rubinstein ... Dr. Brown
  • John Prosky ... Mr. Banks
  • Tony Denison ... Andy Flynn
  • Joanna Sanchez ... Maid


Flynn pose des questions à Ellen Parks, la secrétaire du Dr Collier, chez qui le drame a eu lieu. Ellen dit qu'il ne pourrait pas tuer une personne, mais Flynn répond en disant que la personne morte a un trou dans la tête, causé par une arme à feu.

Ellen donne à Flynn les clefs de la voiture de Collier. D'après Ellen, il se trouve en vacances à Hawaï où il y est resté plus longtemps que prévu.

Il y a plusieurs identités de la victime: elle avait 2 permis de conduire et 2 passeports. Mais, tous ces documents officiels étaient faux et l'on avait découpé les photos.

Le Dr Tanaka précise, en donnant des masques aux détectives Flynn et Waters, que « ce n'est pas joli à voir ». La victime est toute nue, elle a reçu une balle en pleine tête mais celle-ci ne l'a pas tuée. La mort remonte à 2 semaines. Elle est morte de plusieurs coups d'un objet porté à la tête, on l'a frappée 4 ou 5 fois, on lui a coupé les cheveux, on l'a déshabillée, puis, on lui a tiré une balle en pleine figure.

Pendant ce temps, Brenda Johnson arrive et dit « L'amour vache ». Le Sergent Gabriel présente Brenda comme la responsable de la nouvelle Unité d'Enquêtes Prioritaires.


«Brenda Johnson arrive et dit : L'amour vache»


Elle regarde la victime, remarque sur le lobe de l'oreille du vomi séché, et voit une tâche un peu plus loin. Elle sent et dit que le vomi a été nettoyé avec du détergeant. Pour elle, il s'agit d'un meurtre non prémédité et demande au docteur de pratiquer l'autopsie immédiate. Flynn ne comprend pas pourquoi Brenda prend l'affaire en main, mais le Sergent Gabriel dit que c'est Pope, le directeur adjoint, qui en a donné l'ordre.

Brenda demande à Waters s'il y a un mandat de perquisition pour la voiture, Flynn répond que comme ils sont sur une scène de crime et qu'il y a présomption d'assassinat, en Californie, pas besoin de mandat, et Brenda réplique en disant que le garage est en dehors de la maison, et puisqu'il n'y a pas de mandat, elle fait retirer les inspecteurs du garage.



Pope parle avec le Capitaine Taylor de l'attitude de Brenda envers ses inspecteurs, mais Pope ressort l'histoire où, quand la brigade était sous les ordres du Capitaine Taylor, « un agent de 20 ans de maison a été accusé de faux témoignage et un meurtrier accordait des interviews à la télé ». Pope veut des résultats avec des spécialistes comme Brenda, formée à la CIA.

Le Capitaine Taylor donne un dossier à Pope « pour le jour où il voudra muter ou virer ses hommes pour faire progresser le service.



Brenda est au téléphone avec sa mère. Elle lui dit qu'elle a commencé sa première enquête avec son unité.

Sa voiture est arrivée, conduite par le Sergent Gabriel.



Le Sergent Gabriel annonce à Brenda que le Dr Collier a fait disparaître son dossier professionnel. Donc il n'y a ni photo, ni empreinte. Il n'a pas non plus de permis de conduire. Pas plus de dossier médical, car il était chrétien scientiste. Brenda conclut par un meurtre non prémédité, mais à une disparition préméditée. Elle remarque également que l'on a retrouvé que les empreintes de la victime. Aucune du Dr Collier.



Le Lieutenant Tao affirme que Elliott Collier serait mort à 19 ans. Comme le dit si bien Brenda, « Qui est Collier? »

Le Sergent Gabriel fait le rapport d'autopsie aux inspecteurs.

Pendant ce temps, Brenda va dans son bureau et rencontre Pope. Il lui tend un dossier, qui contient des demandes de mutations immédiates, fait par tous les membres de la brigade.

Brenda sort de son bureau et coupe le Sergent Gabriel dans son rapport. Brenda attribut à chaque membre une mission en jetant les demandes à la poubelle.


«Brenda jette les demandes à la poubelle»



Brenda est avec le patron de l'entreprise du Dr Collier.

Il montre de la résistance à donner les ordinateurs du Dr Collier. Mais Brenda a un moyen de pression: « Comment voulez-vous vendre un système anti-piratage, soit disant infaillible, alors qu'elle [ndlr: l'entreprise] s'est fait avoir par un de ses collaborateurs les plus proches ».

Elle lui tend un document pour avoir la permission d'accès au bureau du Dr Collier.



Le Lieutenant Provenza veut apporter la balle à la balistique, mais le Capitaine Taylor fait barrage. Pope arrive et le Capitaine doit céder devant le directeur adjoint.



Buzz informe Brenda que, 3 jours avant sa mort, le Dr Collier a viré tout son argent sur 2 comptes de la victime.

Le Lieutenant Tao a un scanner de l'iris du Dr Collier, car c'est le seul moyen d'accès à son bureau. Il lui présente également des messages que le Dr Collier envoyait à sa secrétaire: « Ellen, tu ne peux pas savoir ce que j'ai ressenti l'autre soir, quand tes lèvres ont effleuré les miennes. »

Brenda conclut qu'Ellen l'a aidé à s'enfuir.



Pope marche jusqu'à sa voiture, quand il aperçoit Brenda sur son coffre.

Il n'a toujours pas le rapport, mais dès qu'il le reçoit, il le lui transmettra. Brenda, un peu énervée, dit que la balle provient peut être d'une arme qui a servi dans un autre meurtre et qui aurait contraint le Dr Collier et la victime à changer d'identité.

Pope lui dit qu'elle a son soutien, mais il ne pensait pas qu'elle allait avoir cette attitude avec les inspecteurs.

Brenda finit par demander l'analyse balistique et un rapport très précis.



Brenda parle avec Ellen de sa foi religieuse.

Puis, Brenda aborde le sujet du Dr Collier. Elle demande si Ellen avait une relation personnelle avec lui, en dehors du travail. Ellen acquiesce en parlant d'une relation d'amitié, mais Brenda pensait qu'ils étaient intimes du fait qu'Ellen avait ses clefs.

Elle demande ensuite à l'interrogée, si elle savait que le Dr Collier avait une relation avec la victime, mais Ellen n'était pas au courant.



Brenda regarde la télévision, quand le téléphone sonne. C'est Fritz qui l'attend au restaurant de l'hôtel.

Fritz est assis à une table. Elle est contente de le revoir. Elle apprend qu'il vit à Los Angeles depuis 3 ans et demi, et qu'il a quitté sa femme.

Fritz lui tend une lettre que le FBI, où il travaille, devait lui envoyer le lendemain.

C'est l'identité de la victime. Comme l'avait prétendu Brenda, la victime avait un casier judiciaire. Elle était recherchée pour meurtre.



Il s'agit d'Alana Devon, qui aurait eu 40 ans le mois précédent. Elle avait tué un vigile en 1991, lors d'une manifestation de l'association « Act Up », ce qui permet de dire qu'elle était lesbienne. Elle était une informaticienne renommée et a changé d'identité, comme le Dr Collier.

La balle provient de la même arme que celle ayant tué le vigile.

Brenda a donc besoin de réexaminer le corps de la victime, mais après avoir raccroché, le Sergent Gabriel l'informe que le corps a été rendu.



Le Capitaine Taylor affirme que dès que le corps est identifié, il est rendu immédiatement à la famille. Mais Brenda riposte en disant qu'elle a besoin du corps pour retrouver le Dr Collier.

Pope lui annonce qu'elle aura le corps le lendemain.



Pendant que Brenda écrit sur le tableau, le Sergent Gabriel arrive. Il se dénonce: c'est lui qui a dit que le corps avait été identifié.

Il lui avoue qu'il ne s'entend pas très bien avec elle et qu'il a du mal à cerner ce qu'elle veut. Il lui demande si elle sait comment le Dr Collier a fait pour ne pas laisser d'empreinte. Brenda acquiesce.



Brenda dit à Ellen qu'elle sait qu'elle lui a menti grâce aux courriers électroniques qui prouvent qu'ils étaient plus que de simples amis. Mais, en fait, Ellen leur explique qu'ils avaient une relation purement sentimentale.

Brenda lui demande si elle savait, qu'il avait changé d'identité, qu'il vivait sous une fausse identité, qu'il était impliqué dans le meurtre d'un agent de sécurité, s'il lui a montré l'arme du crime, si quelqu'un avait récemment découvert son identité. A toutes ces questions, Elle répond « oui ».

Le Dr Collier lui a demandé de disparaître avec lui, mais elle n'avait pas pris sa décision, car elle ne reverrait plus jamais sa mère.

Brenda aborde le sujet d'Alana Devon. Ellen demande à ce que le Sergent Gabriel sorte.

Un fois sorti, Brenda montre une photo d'Alana puis explique qu'elle a subit une chirurgie esthétique pour devenir Elliott Collier. Il prétendait être chrétien scientiste pour ne pas avoir de visite médicale, d'où les uniques empreintes d'Alana. Brenda peut le prouver grâce à l'iris du Dr Collier et celui d'Alana, sur le corps, qui correspondent exactement.

Le soir où ils devaient partir, Brenda affirme que soit il lui avait révélé son identité, soit elle était lesbienne. Ellen s'énerve en disant qu'elle n'est pas lesbienne.

Brenda sait qu'elle n'a pas voulu le tuer et que ce n'était pas prémédité. Elle doit donc le dire clairement, ce qu'elle fait.

Le Dr Collier lui avait pris sa main et l'avait passée entre ses jambes. De l'autre main, Ellen pris le presse-papier et l'avait frappé derrière la tête. Mais comme il ne ressemblait toujours pas à sa vraie identité, Alana, elle lui avait coupé les cheveux pour que la police pense que c'était une femme et avait pris l'arme pour lui tirer une balle dans la tête.

Elle finit par dire qu'elle n'est pas lesbienne, mais elle essaye d'être une bonne catholique.



Pope arrive en disant, à Brenda, qu'elle a fait un bon boulot et que le Directeur va l'appeler demain pour la féliciter.

Le Sergent Gabriel demande si elle veut se joindre aux inspecteurs pour fêter ça, mais Brenda décline l'invitation. Le Sergent Gabriel lui donne raison en répétant ce qu'elle avait dit sur la scène de crime, « L'amour vache ».



L'épisode se finit avec Brenda qui prend un gâteau au chocolat dans un des ses tiroirs, enveloppé dans de l'aluminium, et le déguste.


«Brenda prend un gâteau au chocolat et le déguste»


Écrit par drogba pour The Closer HypnoSeries.




A bright flashlight sweeps the grass as many police officers invade the home of DOCTOR ELLIOT COLLIER, mathematician. We see many police cars and forensic vans in the parking area. There is much commotion on the radio and sirens can be heard in the background.


An SID officer walks into the room as DETECTIVE FLYNN interviews ELLEN PARKS, red hair, 20's. She seems shaken.

ELLEN PARKS (O.S.) : Dr. Collier would never kill anybody...never.

FLYNN : Uh-huh, Ellen is it?

ELLEN PARKS : Ellen Parks.

FLYNN : Your Dr. Collier's receptionist?

ELLEN PARKS : I'm a secretary. He's not a medical doctor you know. He's an important mathematician. He doesn't go around killing people.

FLYNN : Yeah well Ellen there's a dead woman lying on the floor of his master bedroom. With a big, big, big gunshot wound in her face. So how do you think that happened if Dr. Collier didn't kill her?

Ellen shakes her head.

FLYNN (CONT'D) : You brought his car keys?

She hands the car keys to Flynn.

FLYNN (CONT'D) : Any idea where your boss is now?

ELLEN PARKS : On vacation, in Hawaii. He stayed longer than planned.

DETECTIVE WATERS enters and talks to Flynn.

WATERS : Hey Flynn. They're ready.

FLYNN : We'll be back in a minute. Ok
(Pointing to an officer) Wanna stay with her?

OFFICER O.S. : You got it.

Flynn and Waters start walking towards the next room. Flynn points to the maid who is sitting in a chair sobbing as an officer asks her questions.

FLYNN : I guess Collier never told his cleaning lady he was staying late at the luau. Any ID on the victim?

WATERS : Several. Two drivers licenses. Two passports. All fake. Except the pictures have been cut out.

FLYNN : What?

WATERS : Mmhmmm.

As they near the room where the victim lies, DR. TANAKA enters and hands the detectives N-95 medical masks.

DR. TANAKA : Lets hurry along boys. I got a date and the clock is ticking.

FLYNN : Do we really need these masks?

DR. TANAKA : I declared her dead from the hallway, but hey, you decide.

Flynn and Waters reluctantly put the masks up to their faces as they walk into the murder scene to inspect the body.

DR. TANAKA (CONT'D) : I got rid of the flies, maggots and ants. She cleaned up real good.

FLYNN : Your a prince.
(To the officer guarding the room) Flynn

WATERS : Waters

FLYNN : Robbery Homicide

They walk into the room with an odor of death. Behind a plastic screen lies a Jane Doe. Obvious decomposition has taken place and the body is distorted.

DR. TANAKA : She was naked like that when we got here.

FLYNN : Yeah that's what they all say doc.

DR. TANAKA : Yeah. And guess what? The shot to her face? That wasn't what killed her. I'd lift her head and show you but she's been dead for two weeks now and stuff would fall out. So here's the order. Blunt force heavy blows to the back of the head. Four or five of them. Then the hair was cut, clothes were removed, and boom. Someone shot her in the face.

BRENDA (O.S.) : Looks like love.

We pan up and see a short blonde woman named Deputy Chief BRENDA LEIGH JOHNSON. She has a N-95 mask over her face to protect her from the horrific smell in the room of decomposing flesh and bodily fluids.

DR. TANAKA : Who might you be?

GABRIEL : Dr. Tanaka, Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson. Head of our new priority murder squad from Atlanta.

BRENDA : Nice to meet you doctor.

Flynn looks up at Brenda and shoots her a look of disgust. Brenda does not notice right away.

GABRIEL : And you remember lieutenants Flynn and Waters don't cha ma'am?

BRENDA : Yes I do. Nice to see y'all again. You mind if I just jump right in here doctor?
(To Flynn) Excuse me.
(To Dr. Tanaka) Any sign of sexual assault?

DR. TANAKA : I don't know. I'm not gonna examine till tomorrow. I'm just here to declare the victim dead and write it up as a homicide. Something a coroner's attendant usually does, but some asshole in Parker's center insisted on a doctor.

BRENDA : Mmhmm, that asshole would be me.

DR. TANAKA : Oh. Excuse me.

Dr. Tanaka looks at Flynn, who looks at Gabriel, who stares back at Flynn. Brenda continues to examine the body using a flashlight to get a better picture of the victim's wounds.

BRENDA : Look doctor. Just inside the ear canal and on the edge of the lobe. Thats not blood. It's dried vomit. Killer threw up.

She searches around with her flashlight to find where the killer threw up.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Over here. See? The rugs discolored.

She crawls over, takes off her mask and sniffs the discolored floor.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : (Coughing) Someone used detergent here to clean up the vomit. You might want to move this light and put a marker over here. This crime doesn't look pre-meditated to me. Sorry to interrupt your evening doctor, but I'm gonna have to ask you to expedite this autopsy, and when the bodies ready I'll go with you to the morgue. Thank you very much.

As she walks away Flynn become angry and directs that anger towards Gabriel.

FLYNN : Uh, Gabriel? I miss something? Or is your little priority murder squad taking over the case. Is that it?

GABRIEL : Hey this is not my idea. Ok? This comes directly from Assistant Chief Pope.

FLYNN : Pope?


There is a free flowing water fall and stream running along side the residence of Dr. Collier. Brenda is leaving the residence to check out the outside investigation. Flynn, Waters, and Gabriel all follow. There is much commotion outside. Brenda hands her N-95 mask to an officer.

BRENDA : (To the officer standing by) Thank you.

Flynn and Gabriel come walking out behind her.

FLYNN : I beg your pardon ma'am.

BRENDA : Yes lieutenant?

FLYNN : I don't know who you think you are? But we were assigned this case by Captain Taylor.

BRENDA : Well there's been a change of plans. Look since your getting emotional about this why don't we..

FLYNN : I don't get emotional. I am dammed angry.

BRENDA : Well thank you for speaking your mind. Look, I hate to pull rank on my very first week, but I think it would be best if handed your notes over to Sargent Gabriel here, took a deep breath and went on back to your car. I can get what I need from your partner here.
(To Detective Waters) Waters? Did you obtain a search warrant for the car and garage?

FLYNN : (Angry) Hey Gabriel? You might explain to Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson here, that this is a crime scene. That the maid found the body in the bedroom. In LA that's probable cause and you don't need a search warrant.

BRENDA : The garage is not attached to the house. The car is inside the garage. You need a prior authorization to examine both. So I repeat. Do you have a warrant? I'll take that as a no. Excuse me ma'am
(To Ellen Parks) Did Dr. Collier give you permission to open his garage to strangers?

Ellen shakes her head "No".

BRENDA (CONT'D) : No. I didn't think so.
(To the people in the garage) Pardon me. Could y'all step away from what your doin and come out of the garage. Thank you very much.

Detective Waters comes up behind her. Brenda turns towards him.

WATERS : Look its all one house and the guys secretary gave us the car keys. No need to be a bitch about it.

BRENDA : Excuse me lieutenant but, if I liked being called a bitch to my face I'd still be married.


Captain TAYLOR and Assistant Chief POPE are walking through the halls and Taylor is telling Pope about the past evenings events.

TAYLOR : She was ordering my boys around like they were her servants. I need a warrant to look up the victims skirt..Y'ALL. Look Pope, this idea of a priority murder squad, it's expensive and redundant.

POPE : These are not objections I heard when the squad reported to you.

TAYLOR : When the squad reporting to me, it wasn't undercutting my authority as Captain of robbery homicide. And to bring this girl, woman, person, whatever it is we're supposed to call them nowadays.

POPE : Listen Taylor we tried running the squad your way and we ended up with a twenty year veteran of the department indited for perjury and the murderers off doing interviews with Larry King. We're handing too many of these celebrity cases off to the DA with less than compelling evidence. Especially when these big defence lawyers get involved. We're sliding back into OJ territory.

TAYLOR : You telling me some computer geek like Colliers a celebrity?

POPE : This Collier's developed a antipiracy program that his boss, Dr. Harland Brown, the fourth richest man in America by the way I just mention that in passing. An antipiracy computer program that he values at around a half a trillion dollars.

TAYLOR : Giving her this case is a judgement on my ability.

POPE : No it's an acknowledgement that we, the department, need more specialization. Brenda is a CIA trained interrogator with excellent references from the Atlanta Police Department and a reputation for getting confessions that lead directly to convictions. She worked for me in Washington and I'm telling you. She's not miss congeniality, I'm aware of that but she is a closer. Now the Chief wants this to happen and I'm gonna do it. And hear me, because if that means I have to transfer or demote people to get it done, that's exactly what I'll do.

TAYLOR : Guys work all their lives to make Deputy Chief. I've given LAPD twenty-one years and she waltzes in here from three-thousand miles away, not a day of experience on our beat, and she out ranks me?

POPE : You know the rules. She either starts as a rookie officer or as Deputy Chief. There was nothing in between. She doesn't have a sixth floor office. She's not included in conference. She's a Deputy Chief in name only.

TAYLOR : Well she sure isn't acting like that.

Holding up a file folder and pointing towards it.

TAYLOR (CONT'D) : You might find this helpful sir. When your thinking about who you want to transfer or demote to make your little murder squad work.

He drops the file onto Pope's desk and turns and walks out the door. Pope reaches and opens the folder. He looks at the papers inside and slams them down.


Brenda is standing in the lobby of the hotel she is staying at, pacing and eating a yogurt. Her phone rings and she answers it.

BRENDA : (On the phone) Hi mamma. Nope, no I was just waitin for my ride. I know they gave me a car I just don't know my way around here yet. Well it's big. Everything's spread out all over the place. It's beautiful, funny. Oh I'm fine, it's just everyone around here's so perfect looking that's all. Well thank you mamma but I'm not. Uh huh, yup last night. My first investigation. Mamma look you always ask me that and when I tell you, your always horrified and it ends up being an argument about what I do for a living it's just a way to go back and try the ballet. No I'm not mad I just don't have time for a life discussion is all. No you tell daddy that I'll call him back. Mamma my ride is here. My ride is here. My ride, ok, you too, bye.

Gabriel opens the door for her and she gets in. He rounds the car with a disgusted look on his face.


GABRIEL : Dr. Collier deleted his entire employment record.

BRENDA : So we have no picture and no fingerprints. What about the DMV?

GABRIEL : Never had a California drivers license.

BRENDA : Medical records?

GABRIEL : He had himself listed as a Christian scientist so no checkups. And all the surveillance cameras at his company, a video gets taped over after two weeks.

BRENDA : Great. So this murder may not have been pre-meditated, but this disappearance was. This can't be right? The victims prints are everywhere in Collier's house, in his car, and in his office too. And Collier's prints are nowhere? How did he manage that? Where's the financial report?

GABRIEL : Can you wait until the banks open?

BRENDA : We need information off Dr. Colliers office computers and access to his professional e-mail.

GABRIEL : I already asked for that stuff. His company won't cooperate.

BRENDA : I'm sorry if your tired Sargent.

GABRIEL : I'm not tired Chief.

She notices his discontent and closes her folder and looks out the window as he drives.


Lieutenant TAO is on the phone.

TAO : Look I can't. Look I gotta go. Chief?

BRENDA : How are you today Detective Tao?

TAO : Excuse me? Uh, I mean fine. Sorry. I was doing some background on Dr. Collier?

BRENDA : Uh huh?

TAO : I found his mother this morning.

Brenda looks around and sees Chief Pope going into her office nodding towards her to follow.

BRENDA : Uh huh?

TAO : The Elliot Collier with this social security number died when he was nineteen.

BRENDA : Who is this guy? Alright. Detective Tao, thank you very much.

Tao puts his glasses on his head in happiness. PROVENZA walks by and makes fun of him by laughing. Gabriel takes over murder room.

GABRIEL : Ok everybody. I hope you finished your breakfast. We've got an autopsy report to go over. Everybody listen up.


Assistant Chief Will Pope is sitting and waiting for Brenda. He is holding a file in his hands. She enters and is a bit embarrassed at how the office is looking.

BRENDA : Will. I didn't know you were gonna be in here today. Don't look at any of this, it's such a mess. Um, I didn't know you were coming in here. Now look at this. So, what's up?

POPE : I have something I have to show you.


As Sargent Gabriel goes over the autopsy report, we see someone turn and look over his shoulder as Chief Pope hands Brenda the folder.

GABRIEL : Ok. The marks here on the back of the head come from a small cube like object with the density of granite.


Chief Pope explains what's in the folder.

POPE : Those are requests for transfer back to robbery homicide from every single member of your squad.

Brenda look at him shocked at what she has heard and opens the folder to see the transfers.


As Sargent Gabriel continues we see Brenda look up from her desk.

GABRIEL : Now, the first blow landed as the victim was turning. Then the others came after she had already fallen.


POPE : I think Captain Taylor put em up to it. But truthfully we may have underestimated the difficulty of having this new murder squad run by someone from outside. I would completely understand if you decided this was more than you wanted to put up with.

BRENDA : Will I sold my house. I turned down a position at homeland security, which I'm sure is no longer available. If I lose this job. After the ethics inquiry I was put through in Atlanta. You know, they may dislike me cause I'm new or because Captain Taylor doesn't want me here. Relax Will, because once I get to work and they see me in action. They'll have a whole list of other reasons to hate my guts.

She swings open the door and enters the murder room.


Brenda walks towards the front of the room while Sargent Gabriel continues the report.

GABRIEL : About twelve years ago the victimhad breast reduction surgery as well as work done along the jawline.

Brenda grabs a trash can as she walks up to the board.

GABRIEL (CONT'D) : Indications are that she had a nose job done as well.

BRENDA : Which means she was serious about changing her appearance. So what do we know about this crime really? Or the motive Dr. Collier had for committing it? Not much. No sign of sexual abuse? We have a slug from a forty-four magnum which Detective Lieutenant Provenza might walk down to firearms analysis to see if the markings match up to any known criminal weapons. And Detective Garth you could assemble Collier's finances. Might be something there. Detective Sanchez and Detective Daniels if you could join Detective Lieutenant Tao and put together a more complete picture of this guy. And keep Sargent Gabriel informed of your progress. Because we need to focus on progress. Lady and gentleman. Cause all we have right now is a woman we can't identify. Murder by a man who doesn't exist.

She walks out of the room having disposed of all the requisitions in the trash. The room is disgusted.




Brenda is in her office with MR. BANKS, and HARLAND BROWN. Mr. Banks is Harland's lawyer.

MR. BANKS : Allowing you access to Dr. Brown's computer systems also gives you entry into the new encryption program. Can't do it.

In walks Detective Sanchez.

MR. BANKS (CONT'D) : And besides the idea that Dr. Collier murdered anyone is absurd.

BRENDA : So where is your client Mr. Banks? How come he never showed up in his hotel room in Hawaii

HARLAND BROWN : Look. Elliot Collier is a genius. A little affected, but reclusive. But he's not a murderer.

BRENDA : What do you mean affected?

HARLAND BROWN : Well like Steven Jobbs. You know who he is don't you? One of the founders of Apple Computer. Well Mr. Jobbs almost always wares khakis and black turtlenecks into work and Elliot copies him in that. And he's terrified of colds. He always puts on plastic gloves before he'll touch anybody else's keyboard. Now is this obsessive compulsive behavior? Yes. But it comes with real genius Miss Johnson. Dr. Collier's program may be the most profitable innovation in internet technology since email.

BRENDA : And how much will this anti-piracy program be worth if this so-called Dr. Collier disappears and we cant find him? Under those circumstances I'd say your encryption programs probably worth, oh, air in a jug.

MR. BANKS : What do you mean by so-called?

BRENDA : The man using the name Elliot Collier created that identity by stealing the social security number of a teenager who died in 1989. So whatever you do don't let Dr. Collier pay you by credit card.

MR. BANKS : Miss Johnson, my law firm includes two members of the LAPD police commission. Don't begin your tenure by antagonizing me.

HARLAND BROWN : Wait. This suggestion that Elliot isn't who he said he was now isn't it possible that your mistaken?

BRENDA : Whats possible sir, is that when I release this information to the media, I can forcibly express my shock at how a company who's entire reason for existing is to make things more secure could have been deceived on a daily basis by it's most valuable employee. What will that do to the share value of your stock?

She hands a piece of paper to Mr. Banks.

BRENDA (CONT'D) I need Dr. Brown to sign that waiver, allowing us to search Collier's office and computers. Or I can call a press conference. It's up to you.

Mr. Banks hands the paper over to Mr. Brown and gestures him to sign it and Detective Sanchez hand shim his pen. Harland looks at Brenda with a look of anger.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Thank you so much.

She looks at Sanchez who smiles back at her.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Gentleman.


Provenza, Gabriel and Taylor are in a hallway and Provenza is yelling at Taylor.

PROVENZA : I am walking this slug through wether you like it or not.

TAYLOR : Provenza, you think so over my dead body. She may have the right to push us aside, but you sure as hell don't.

PROVENZA : Let me tell you something. I've been in this department too long to get mixed up in this political bullshit. I'll tell you what Taylor.

TAYLOR : You'll tell me what?

PROVENZA : Yeah I'll tell you what.

TAYLOR : I can't hear you. You know why? Cause you ain't saying nothing.

A LOUD whistle in the background as Pope comes down the stairs into this hornets nest.

POPE : What's the hells goin on here?

TAYLOR : My men have cases been waiting three four weeks down here and there gonna push past them? No, no, no.

GABRIEL : Sir I requested a transfer back to robbery homicide.

POPE : Ok. Do not screw with me Gabriel. You wanted this job. You campaigned for it. I still have your thank you note. Give me the slug and move on.

Provenza pulls on Gabriel's shirt after he hands Pope the slug.

PROVENZA : C'mon. C'mon, c'mon.

TAYLOR : Bye Provenza.

They walk away and Pope turns towards Taylor.

POPE : Everybody. Let's go. C'mon go catch some bad guys.

Everybody walks away.

POPE (CONT'D) : Now look?

TAYLOR : You haven't let me explain my side.

POPE : I'm not interested in your side. You have no idea the heat we're taking on this case. I'm fielding calls from senators, that's plural, senators. Collier gets away. Someone is gonna be held accountable. So why don't you back off? Because if this case has to crash and burn I'm guessing you would prefer that Brenda do that all by herself.

TAYLOR : I don't know what your implying sir, but I would never deliberately screw up a murder investigation.

POPE : Yeah right. Now, do you have a problem with me cutting in line?

They stare each other down for a second.

TAYLOR : Not at all sir. Not at all.


Brenda, Gabriel and Detective Garth are looking over Collier's computer.

GARTH : Dr. Collier transferred nearly every dollar he made into accounts connected to the victims alias's. I mean Collier pays a lease on his house, the gas, the electric, the phone...the rest goes mostly to our Jane Doe. Like here, three days before he leaves Collier transfers everything he has left into two of the victims's bank accounts.

GABRIEL : Mmm, sounds like black mail.

BRENDA : Except why would he transfer money to her when he was planning on disappearing?

Tao is looking at some stuff on his computer when he notices something significant.

TAO : Hey! He didn't get rid of everything.

Brenda and Gabriel walk over to his desk.

TAO (CONT'D) : Tech services is sending over a couple things. Help yourself.

He points to the donuts on his desk. Brenda turns o notice them and reacts to her sweets obsession. Tao takes a picture off the printer of an eye. He turns and shows Brenda.

TAO (CONT'D) : No one gets in or out of his companies secure area without an iris scan.

GARTH (O.S.) : Hey. Does the iris have any indentifying characteristics? You know like a limp or a you know talks with an accent?

TAO : Children? In the land of no evidence. The left eyed iris is king. He's our friend and we're calling him Max. Oh and I have these. Mash notes to his secretary. From Dr. Collier's e-mail account.

Brenda reads the e-mail that Tao has handed to her.

BRENDA : "Ellen, I cannot tell you how much last night meant. When your lips touched mine." Oh this she didn't mention.

Brenda reaches for a donut. She realizes it and becomes restless. She reacts to Tao

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Run it through the system and see what we have on Ellen Parks. Put the little cross around her neck.


GABRIEL : Now what if Ellen found out her boss was living with another woman?

BRENDA : And killed her in a jealous rage? And what happened to Dr. Collier? No. It's more likely she helped him escape. But is she helping him now?

GABRIEL : Maybe Dr. Collier was planning on going off with this woman and Ellen killed both of them?

Brenda licking her fingers of the sweet tasting frosting on the donut stops and realizes Gabriel is onto something. In walks Provenza with an attitude.

PROVENZA : Yeah. You wanted something?

BRENDA : Uh, what happened to the slug? You get anything back from firearms analysis?

PROVENZA : Didn't college boy here tell ya?

Brenda turns and looks at Gabriel who is turning red.


Pope is walking through the garage towards his car. When he reaches his car he notices Brenda sitting on it.

BRENDA : Don't I even warrant a return call before you head home to the beautiful and lovely Estelle?

POPE : I was gonna get back to you from the car. I have dinner plans.

BRENDA : Sounds vaguely familiar doesn't it? Me waitin to hear from you. You off with your wife?

POPE : Different city.

BRENDA : Different wife. Still...

Pope stands there with a sly smile on his face.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : The FBI hadn't gotten back to me on our Jane Doe's prints.

POPE : That could take a week.

BRENDA : Maybe not. I got a lot of friends there, but not hearing from them makes the firearm analysis more important. So, where is it?

POPE : I don't have it yet. But I moved you to the head of the line and I made it clear that's where you belong.

Brenda sighs.

POPE (CONT'D) : Brenda I just upheld your authority. This is where you thank me.

BRENDA : You promised me there wouldn't be any question about my authority. Everytime I turn around I'm having to remind people that I go first. Makes me really popular.

POPE : Well, why do you always push harder than necessary? I mean what does a slug have to do with anything really?

BRENDA : Because the more I find out about the victim and Dr. Collier. The more they have in common. I think somehow they were partners. They were both living together. They were drop out artists. Both obsessed with hiding their identities. And why do people do that Will? Probly cause they're criminals. And the bullet that was fired in the victims head, that could have been fired from a gun used in another crime. One that the victim or Dr. Collier changed their identities to escape. That slug could tell me who they are. Look Will now is no time to go all wobbly on me.

POPE : Brenda you have my total support. You know that. I just...well there's a problem with your management style that I did not anticipate. And I can't change how these guys feel about you.

BRENDA : Your the one person I was counting on.

POPE : Ok now wait a minute. That's not fair.

BRENDA : I know what your up to. You always played both sides of the fence. I can just hear you now with Taylor. Back off let her take full responsibility.

POPE : See now it's that kind of suspiciousness that...
(Back into the conversation) Brenda your just being paranoid. C'mon you know. You know how much I admire you. You know.

BRENDA : Yeah that's the problem I do know. You have led me on Will again. Which is what you've always done with woman and it's forgivable from a personal stand point but this is my life your screwing with. My life. I want that slug back and I want that report. Have a nice dinner.

Brenda walks away leaving Pope feeling angry and ashamed.




Gabriel, Sanchez are talking outside the room about Ellen Parks.

SANCHEZ : I kept her working with the portrait artist to puttin together a picture of Dr. Collier, but she knows somethings up.

Up walks Brenda.

BRENDA : Volunteers on weekend for Work in her parish, never married, one arrest. Oh great, part of a planned parenthood clinic. Lovely. Alright you've been with her all day so you can stay with me but just smile and look reassuring. And Sargent Gabriel, you can go on home. I'll be driving myself to work from now on.

GABRIEL : Excuse me. Ma'am can I talk to you for a second please?

Gabriel and Brenda walk to the other end of the hall.

GABRIEL (CONT'D) : I should be in this interview.

BRENDA : I don't need you.

GABRIEL : Ok can I say something? You are taking this business about people asking to go back to robbery homicide was too personal. It's just nobody, nobody should have come into our department the way you did. You know and another thing, Captain Taylor? I know you've had your trouble with him, but he's a great guy. Alright, he got the LAPD to pay for my masters at USC and he got me my first promotion. If you give him...

BRENDA : Sargent Gabriel, I think I'm old enough to drive myself to work without being thought vindictive.

GABRIEL : Ok, Alright That is not what I meant by...

BRENDA : And as far as Captain Taylor is concerned, I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treatin you. That would be your mother maybe. Just that you worked late last night that's all. Go home and get some sleep. And I'll see you tomorrow. Bright eyed and bushy-tailed

She turns over the Interview sign and closes the door on Gabriel. She walks up to Daniels and Sanchez. Daniels has her bag open and ready for her.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : (to Daniels) Oh thank you very much Detective Daniels. Alright then.
(To Ellen as she enters interview) Hello Ellen. Thank you so much for your help.

Detective Daniels puts the speaker on outside interview so she can hear what's going on.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : (On Speaker) Oh I love your cross. It's very pretty.

ELLEN PARKS : (On Speaker) Thank you.


Brenda and Sanchez are in the interview room with Ellen Parks.

ELLEN PARKS : My mother gave it to me when I was thinking of becoming a nun. Which is funny actually because she was so against it at the time.

BRENDA : Your mother didn't want you to be a nun? She's a bit of a church activist isn't she?

ELLEN PARKS : Well we're very pro-life, yes.

A man watches on monitors as the interview continues.

ELLEN PARKS (O.S.) (CONT'D) : But I guess there's a difference between living by the churches teachings, which we do.

Detective Garth and Tao enter the room and we see that Provenza was sitting in the back the whole time.

ELLEN PARKS (CONT'D) : (On the monitor) And, uh withdrawing completely from the world.

Detective Garth gets in Provenza's way and he scoots him aside

PROVENZA : Excuse me.

BRENDA (O.S.) : Well if you ask me the world is in pretty sorry shape right now. It could do with a few more people wearing crosses.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : So your mother didn't mind you working for Dr. Collier?


BRENDA : So she met him then? He passed all the all important mother test?


BRENDA : So you still live with your mother?

ELLEN PARKS (O.S.) : Yes. My father died when I was fifteen. So I helped with the mortgage and stuff like that.

Provenza is getting anxious.

PROVENZA : C'mon, C'mon, show her the e-mails.

Gabriel enters the watch room.

BRENDA : So you had a relationship with Dr. Collier outside of the office?

ELLEN PARKS : A friendship.

BRENDA : Oh I assumed it was more than that because you had keys to his house, so I just assumed that...

ELLEN PARKS : Oh, no. But he would give me keys when he would go on vacation. But the keys didn't indicate that there was anything romantic. I've actually never dated anyone ever, so...

BRENDA : Well. I'm so glad to hear that because if you were dating him then the question I'm about to ask might hurt your feelings. Did you know that Dr. Collier was living with the victim?


BRENDA : He never mentioned that?


BRENDA : You never met her or saw her?


BRENDA : Well they had a relationship of some kind. We found her fingerprints in his office at work.

ELLEN PARKS : Well that's just really surprising because there are very strict rules about that and I'm just...it's just very surprising that Dr. Collier would do something like that.

BRENDA : I know. It's always hard when we discover someone we care about isn't who we think he is.


BRENDA : Well Ellen. Thank you so much for your time.

ELLEN PARKS : We're finished?

BRENDA : Yes. And you've been very helpful. But promise me something, cause I know he was your friend. Dr. Collier gets in touch with you again, you must let us know.


BRENDA : Don't let me leave here concerned about you.


BRENDA : Thank you.

Brenda and Sanchez leave the interview room.


Brenda is flipping channels in her hotel room. She is dressed in her sleepwear. We see the hotel is a mess and there is a half eaten dinner in front of her. The phone in the room RINGS.

BRENDA : Hello? Fritz? Why hi, how are you? Where are you? Oh no. Oh your kidding me? Oh no not at all, I'll be right down. Just Umm, give me two minutes. Just two and a half and order me a Merlot. Ok? Alright bye.

She hangs up the phone and reaches into her suitcase for a clean shirt and hurries off.


Brenda is coming down the stairs into the hotel lobby. She enters the bar and sitting at a table stirring his drink is FRITZ HOWARD, FBI Agent and old friend.

BRENDA : Oh Fritz. Fritz I didn't know you were living here? Since when?

FRITZ : Three and a half years. Thirty pounds ago. Should try and stay in touch more ya know?

BRENDA : Oh, I know I'm terrible. Can't even keep an address book together. No one could have made me believe you'd accept a transfer to LA.

FRITZ : I love it here. You know what I like best? This wine is yours. What I like best is. No matter how hot it gets during the day. The nights are always cool. You'll forget Washington and Atlanta in one summer. Here's to no humidity.

They raise their glasses and CLANG.

BRENDA : Cheers.

FRITZ : So your working for Pope again huh?

BRENDA : Yeah. I should have gone with you to the FBI while I had the chance. And you? How's, umm Elaine? It's Elaine?

FRITZ : Cindy. She'd gone. She started therapy and blah, blah, blah long story. Some other time. Ok Jackie sent this over to you from DC for you this morning. Normally you get it tomorrow, but I saw your name on it and did a little investigating. I thought I'd hand deliver it to you tonight.


Fritz pulls it away playfully.

FRITZ : Before I give it to you though Brenda. I don't want you to just tear it open and run upstairs. You gotta promise me your gonna sit here, finish your wine and catch up for a minute.

BRENDA : I will. Why does everyone think I'm so horrible? And really Fritz. You expect me to believe that after spending three years around the woman here that what you really want to do is hang around a hotel bar with me?

FRITZ : Oh shut up you look terrific.

He hands the folder to Brenda and she RIPS it open.

FRITZ (CONT'D) : Now you really wanna feel bad about yourself I'll take you up to Santa Barbara someday. Like visiting Stepford. I kid you not.

Brenda is reading intently to the papers Fritz has delivered.

FRITZ (CONT'D) : Thats your ID on your Jane Doe. You were right. Your victim's got a record. In fact she's wanted for murder.

Brenda looks shocked and reads on.


Brenda PINS up a photo of the Jane Doe.

BRENDA : Our victim's name was Alana Devon. She would have turned forty next month. In nineteen ninety one she shot a security guard outside a pharmaceutical company during act up protest. I suppose you all know what act up is?

Provenza raises his hand.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Lt. Provenza doesn't know.

Provenza nods.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Act up is an organization dedicated to raising awareness about AIDS.

PROVENZA : Oh geez, are you telling me she's a murderer and a lezbo?

BRENDA : I'm sure Detective Provenza that when you say lezbo you don't intend that in a derogatory way, since that would mean you would be spending the next two weeks in a sensitivity seminar.

PROVENZA : Again? No. Lezbo is a? I thought it was short for Lesbian.

BRENDA : It isn't. So yes Allana was a lesbian. There's also some question as to wether or not she acted alone. Or actually meant to fire the gun. Like Collier she was a computer scientist and like him, she changed her identity. And the gun that fired this bullet into her face is the same gun used in the original crime.

TAO : So you think Collier is connected to this crime to?
(walking towards Brenda) May I see those please.

BRENDA : Yes you may.
(To Gabriel) I need to take another look at Alana's body.

Gabriel gets up and Garth stands up while looking at a piece of paper.

GARTH : Ok, so I don't know how she figures into this anymore?

BRENDA : She who?

GARTH : Collier's secretary Ellen, here. The last day he was in town, Ellen closes her checking account. The following Monday she re-opens it.

GABRIEL : Chief? The morgue released the body.

BRENDA : What? On who's authority?


Taylor, Gabriel, Brenda and Pope are discussing the bodies release.

TAYLOR : As soon as the ID comes out and the medical examiner certifies that he's finished. The body is released by law to the family.

BRENDA : You had no right to send that information to the morgue. The families been waitin fifteen years for Alana to come home. They can wait three more days. I need her body to make my case.

POPE : You telling me your that close to finding Collier?

BRENDA : If I can get his secretary to cooperate? Yes.

TAYLOR : And how does the body figure into this? What's so important?

BRENDA : I don't report to you Captain so your questions irrelevant.

TAYLOR : Excuse me!

POPE : Everybody just calm down. You need Alana's body to find Collier?

BRENDA : I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

POPE : You'll have the body back tomorrow morning.

BRENDA : Thank you very much.

Brenda gets up and DASHES out. Gabriel opens the door for her.

TAYLOR : Did ya hear the way she spoke to me? Did ya hear?

POPE : Sit down. We need to talk.


Gabriel is walking around reading a file. He looks up and sees Brenda at the black board doing something.

GABRIEL : Uh. I just wanted to say that I didn't mean anything by it, but I was the one who told Taylor you had ID'd the body.

BRENDA : Well I understand. He was your friend.

GABRIEL : I usually get along better with people around here than I have been with you. I'm organized. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out what people need or what they think they need or what they want from me. But to be honest I'm having a little trouble figuring that out with you.

BRENDA : Well when all else fails you can try being yourself.

GABRIEL : Yeah well that sounds radical, but I'd be willing. Cause I actually have a couple questions. Like, have you been able to figure out how Dr. Collier was able to get rid of his finger prints from everywhere?


GABRIEL : Oh ok. And that bit about getting the body back and finding him. Now is that true or were you bluffing?

BRENDA : Oh I never bluff Sargent Gabriel. I just express my optimism forcefully.

GABRIEL : You ordered Ellen Parks picked back up and held overnight?

BRENDA : I did.

GABRIEL : I don't see how that helps us unless she tells us where Dr. Collier is? I mean we don't have the gun. We don't have any murder weapons. We don't have any witnesses?

BRENDA : Ellen will be very helpful with all of that I promise.

GABRIEL : This more of your forceful optimism?

BRENDA : Oh no it's my experience. Because as any good interrogator will tell you. As hard as a secret is to uncover, it's even harder to keep. Good night Sargent.

GABRIEL : Umm, Sure. Good night ma'am.

BRENDA : Mmhmmm.

Sargent Gabriel walks out as Brenda looks at a retina scan.




Brenda is trying on outfits. Trying to make sure she looks perfect for her interview with Ellen Parks. Pope KNOCKS and enters the room seemingly angry at Brenda.

BRENDA : Come in.

POPE : Why did you pick this woman up last night and then ignore her all day?

BRENDA : Because I'm preparing myself and lettin her stew. It's perfectly legal.

POPE : Your gonna interrogate her and walk out outta that room knowing where Collier is? Knowing why the murder took place?

BRENDA : I already know those things.

POPE : You have proof this woman is connected to the murder?

BRENDA : I can place her at the scene of the crime. I need her to tell me what happened.

POPE : Alright. What if you lay your cards on the table and she stiffs us? Then you'll never see her again without an attorney and we are screwed.

BRENDA : Are you tryin to encourage me or make me nervous?

POPE : I'm just trying to figure out why your so damned confident you can get this woman to help you?

BRENDA : Well because Will I know a little something about admiring the boss and finding out he's not the guy you thought he was.

Pope turns and walks out. Brenda turns towards the mirror to make sure her outfit is perfect.


Brenda is walking towards her interview with Ellen parks. Detective Sanchez and Gabriel are awaiting her arrival outside the door. Sanchez checks her out as she walks up and smiles.

BRENDA : Alright then. Let's go. Gabriel opens the door to interview.


Ellen Parks paces back and forth looking weary from her long stay down in the holding cell. She is also very angry at Brenda for making her wait.

ELLEN PARKS : Thought you were my friend?

BRENDA : It's important Ellen that you do not say anything yet and let me explain why. Unless you let me finish speaking. I'm going to have to put you formally under arrest. Is that what you want?

ELLEN PARKS : Why am I being kept here? I haven't done anything?

BRENDA : If I do charge you with a crime you'd be entitled to an attorney. Do you want me to charge you so you can have a lawyer present with you?

ELLEN PARKS : No. I don't want to be charged with anything.

BRENDA : Ok. There are things that have to be said when we investigate a murder or I'll get in trouble. Sargent Gabriel here is going to inform you of your rights. So we don't make any mistakes.

GABRIEL : Ellen Radcliff Parks you are under investigation for murder.


Provenza, Daniels and Garth are watching the interview.

PROVENZA : She should shake the bitch by the shoulders and see what pops out.

Daniels turns towards Provenza in disgust.

DANIELS : Why do you call every woman you see a bitch? Why you do that?

PROVENZA : Oh shut up Daniels. She's a murder suspect.

DANIELS : Asshole.

PROVENZA : And proud of it.

GABRIEL (O.S.) : Do you understand these rights? Do you wish to continue at this time and waive your right to an attorney?

ELLEN PARKS (O.S.) : Yes. Yes


BRENDA : Sit down please. Now I want you to know that I've kept the police from arresting you and I have done this because I want to help you. Because we want real justice here, but I have to tell you how disappointed I am Ellen because you lied to me. Here is the e-mail correspondence between you and Dr. Collier which directly contradicts this notion that you and he were only friends. You were not just friends. You were having an affair. Isn't that so?

ELLEN PARKS : Wasn't an affair.

BRENDA : You loved him. He loved you. You wrote it here, see.

ELLEN PARKS : It wasn't an affair.

BRENDA : You kissed. You were romantic with him.

ELLEN PARKS : We never. I never...

BRENDA : Ellen? I'm sorry. I can't. Sargent Gabriel?

ELLEN PARKS : Just wait a minute. Just wait a minute! I am telling you that it wasn't an affair. I had never. We were not physical.

BRENDA : But you were emotionally intimate?

ELLEN PARKS : (Defeated) Yes.

BRENDA (O.S.) : Now Ellen I know the answers to most of these questions. So do not lie to me again. Or I'll have to accept the fact that I can't help you. And I'll leave.
(On Screen) Now you and Dr. Collier were very close. You loved him. He loved you. Did he tell you that he had changed his name?


BRENDA : See that's good Ellen. That's a relief to me. Your telling me the truth now. Lets stick with that. Did he tell you that he was living under a false identity?


BRENDA : And that he was involved with the shooting of a security guard?


BRENDA : And you kept that information from the police why?

ELLEN PARKS : Because it was an accident. He didn't mean to kill anybody.

BRENDA : And he showed you the gun?

ELLEN PARKS : Yes. Yes he showed it to me.

BRENDA : And did he tell you that in spite of everything he had done to hide himself that someone had recently recognized him?


BRENDA : So, Dr. Collier decided that he'd have to disappear? And he wanted you to go with him?

ELLEN PARKS : I didn't have any intention of going.

BRENDA : You closed your checking account. Ellen I warned you about lying, I am, I'm sorry.

ELLEN PARKS : WAIT! WAIT A MINUTE! I said I had not decided to go with him. I am not lying.
(On Monitor) Let me explain. Elliot had told me.

TAO : I think I know where she's going with this.

ELLEN PARKS : That if I went with him. That I wouldn't be able to see my mother anymore.
(Outside interview) That I couldn't even call her. So I had not decided.

BRENDA : But you went to his house that night. And he had a passport for you? A fake passport? You can just nod if you want to.

Ellen NODS.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Now. Lets talk about Alana Devon for a moment. Because that night you were leaving. That's was when you first met her isn't it?

ELLEN PARKS : Could you ask him to step outside please?

(To Gabriel) Go on.

Brenda motions to Gabriel to leave.

BRENDA (O.S.) (CONT'D) : I'll help you through this. Sit down. These things have to be said. Even though what Alana did to you was so unfair.
(On screen) And so unkind.

Brenda reaches into the box on the table and pulls out a picture of Alana Devon.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Alana Devon fired the actual shot that killed the security guard. People saw her. So she used her computer skills to hack into ATM's and credit card accounts. And she disappeared. She had plastic surgery that changed her jawline and her nose and reduced her breasts. And she proceeded to live her life in permanent disguise. She always wore turtlenecks to hide the fact that she had no Adam's apple. She also claimed to be a Christian scientist so she wouldn't have to take the company physical. That's why we only found Alana's finger prints in Dr. Collier's house and in his office and in his car. Not because Alana was living with Dr. Collier, but because she was Dr. Collier.

Everyone in the watch room stands in shock.

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Do you know how I can prove this Ellen? The shot that was fired in Alana's face missed her left eye.
(On Monitor) And when I took her body back to the morgue. I found that the iris scan of Alana's left eye matched exactly the scan of Dr. Collier's left eye.
(In interview) So the man with whom you were having an affair with wasn't a man at all. He was a woman. And that night you were leaving he told you the truth. He showed you who he was. I have it right don't I Ellen? Or are you a lesbian? Maybe you're a lesbian? If you are a lesbian...

Ellen POUNDS her hands on the table. Brenda is startled.

ELLEN PARKS : I am NOT a lesbian. How could you say that to me? How could you say something so disgusting and so horrible.
(On monitor) How could you say that?

BRENDA : But you didn't mean to kill him did you? Hadn't planned on that?

Ellen nods "No".

BRENDA (CONT'D) : Just for the record. Just so it's clear that it wasn't on purpose. Could you please say that out loud?

Everyone waits in horror for Ellen Parks to speak.

ELLEN PARKS : I didn't mean to kill him. I was kissing him and she pulled my hand down against her and I picked the paper weight up off the desk and I hit him over the head with it. I hit her in the head and when she fell I just beat her head in. I just beat her head in.

BRENDA : At some point you realized that Alana's face still looked like Elliot Collier. And you didn't want to leave it like that?

ELLEN PARKS I cut all her hair off and I took all her clothes off because I didn't want anyone to think it was Elliot. I just wanted them to think it was a woman.

BRENDA : And so you took the gun that he had showed you and you shot her in the face?

ELLEN PARKS : I am not a lesbian. I am a good catholic girl. And I have tried to be one every day of my life.

Brenda reaches under the table and turns off the interview.


Sargent Gabriel is boxing up the evidence in a box marked ELLEN PARKS. Brenda is sitting and looking over evidence folders before giving them to Gabriel to put in the box. Pope comes up to the door and KNOCKS. He walks in....

POPE : Good work. I have to make my final report to the chief. I'm sure he'll want to call you in the morning with his regards.

BRENDA : Can't wait.

POPE : Right. Well good night.

BRENDA : Good night.

POPE : Sargent.

GABRIEL : Night sir.
(To Brenda) So you sure you won't join us for a drink? Celebrate?

Brenda notices a donut on her desk and picks it up.

BRENDA : No. I gotta take this stuff back to the hotel. Maybe some other time.

GABRIEL : Sure. You know you were right from the very beginning. Look like love.


Brenda throws her clothes and gun onto her bed. He phone begins to RING. She picks it up and decides not to answer it. She throws it back onto the freshly made bed and strolls over to the desk and opens the top drawer. She grabs the "Ho-Ho", opens it up and eats it as she lies on the bed savoring the chocolaty taste she loves soo much.




Écrit par WiniFRED pour The Closer HypnoSeries.

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Aloha81, 01.05.2024 à 12:17

Sachez aussi que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage !! Bon 1er mai à tous !

ShanInXYZ, 01.05.2024 à 17:45

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who, calendrier, PDM, Sondage, Survivor et toutes les infos sur la saison qui arrive, passez voir le Docteur

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 21:24

Bonsoir à toutes et tous ! Nouveau mois sur les quartiers Alias, Angel, Citadel, Dollhouse et The L Word.

ptitebones, Hier à 23:59

Des nouvelles d'Emily ! Venez découvrir sur le quartier la date de retour de notre américaine à Paris !

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 10:48

Hello, nouveau moi chez Star Trek - Le Caméléon et The X-Files ! Venez nombreuses et nombreux :=)

Viens chatter !